Positive Action Through Reforestation and Philathropy

Zero Citizen is also committed to direct positive action via reforestation and philanthropy across the world. Carbon sequestration is incredibly important, with trees and seagrass for example, playing a vital role in the removal of CO2. Weโ€™ve already made a start by planting 500 mangrove trees in Madagascar through our partner, veritree, which conducts verified reforestation across the world. Using our veritree page https://zerocitizen.veritree.com, a visual overlay is displayed to showcase the reforested area that Zero Citizen have contributed to, with sequestration quantity and hectares reforested covered on our page.

Weโ€™ll be looking to significantly increase the number of trees we plant, with our commitment to plant 10 trees for every 1 NFT we sell. This means that upon successful mint, weโ€™ll be planting an additional 20,000 trees. โ€œNet zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests for instanceโ€ โ€“ UN. As the $0CZN token will be created to support the target of global net zero by 2050, we will allocate a certain percentage of tokens towards the funding of projects that contribute to tackling climate change and support net zero activities. Whilst 2.5% of the maximum supply has been allocated to net zero philanthropic and community projects, we will ensure regular investment is made to this allocation of funds, to ensure its long-term sustainability. Zero Citizen NFT holders will be able to vote to recommend which philanthropic and community projects that we support.

Last updated