$0CZN Tokenomics

We want to give the $0CZN economy the best possible start – to do so requires mapping out plans for various key elements, such as the tokenomics, initial distributions and emission forecasting. Our current focus is with the launch of the NFT collection and Carbon Balance Service that holders will gain early access to. We want to get this right and as such, we are planning to launch the token in 2024.

Developing effective tokenomics is a complex undertaking that requires careful consideration and planning. The plans outlined below represent our initial efforts to create a token that can support the ecosystem over the long term. We take this task very seriously and are committed to devoting the next three months to refining this further. Our aim is to ensure that the resulting token is sustainable and able to power the ecosystem for many years to come. While these plans are not final and subject to change, they provide a guide for the direction we are pursuing.

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